
Holiday Cheer on Nobb Hill Drive

By Jen Anderson, Publisher - West Chester Macaroni Kid November 23, 2018

If you are looking for something to bring out the true spirit of the holidays for your entire family, you won't want to miss the holiday light display at 1102 Nobb Hill Drive in East Bradford. The lights and inflatables will surely increase your holiday spirits and leave you feeling festive, but what might touch you most of all is the spirit of giving that has become part of this wonderful display.

Each year Joan and Jerry Corrado set up a wonderful holiday light display and have been doing so for years, attracting many locals to stop and enjoy. When Joan and Jerry learned that Chester County Hospital was in need of toys for their pediatric patients, they added a toy drive as part of the display. Their daughter, a nurse at Chester County Hospital, told them about this local need for toys and they've used the draw of their holiday light display to help. For the past several years, in addition to setting up lights, animated displays and holiday inflatables, they set out bins to collect new, unwrapped toys that will be given to children in the pediatric department or to help calm and soothe children treated in the emergency room. During last year's toy drive they collected 1,615 toys. Joan and Jerry particularly love the idea of helping out locally to the people and, in particular, the children of Chester County. Joan noted that sometimes children visit their display hoping to pay it forward. They themselves were past recipients of a toy after being treated at Chester County Hospital and, touched by the gesture, they return with their families to add a new toy to the collection.

The display began on Thanksgiving night and the collection will be ongoing through Christmas Eve. On most weekend evenings, Santa himself will be there checking on the collection and visiting with families as they enjoy the display. The idea is simple, come and enjoy this wonderful display of lights and decorations and bring along a toy or two to add to the collection - both acts will likely leave you filled with holiday spirit.