The Fugett Drama club presents three performances of Aladdin - the beloved tale of Aladdin who, when down on his luck discovers the magic lamp and a Genie who can grant him three wishes. Come see the story untold as presented by the talented students of Fugett Middle School.
The Fugett Drama Club is excited to welcome the community back to its shows for the first time in three years!
The show will be performed in the Fugett Middle School Auditorium from March 25-26 with three showtimes available. Tickets can be purchased at the door and are also available online here:
March 25 at 7pm, March 26th at 1:30pm and at 7pm*
JR Fugett Auditorium
500 Ellis Lane
West Chester, PA
*There is also a Community performance on Friday March 18 at 9:30 am, suggested donation of $5.
We are thrilled to be giving away a 4-pack of tickets to the Saturday evening performance!