We are the international support group just for you – today’s at-home mother!
The MOMS Club (MOMS Offering Moms Support) is a nonprofit group aimed at providing support for mothers who have chosen to stay at home and raise their children. We welcome all stay-at-home mothers looking for activities to do with other mothers and children. (Moms who run home-based businesses or work part-time outside of the home are also welcome.)
Here are some of the things that make us special:
* We meet during the day, when at-home mothers most need support.
* Children are welcome at all the events. Most activities cater to kids interests.
* We have an established support system for our local chapters. Our volunteer coordinators are experienced MOMS Club moms who are ready to help you every step of the way.
* The MOMS Club is a nonprofit corporation. We participate in one to two service projects a year benefiting mothers and children in need.
* At-home mothers of any age children are welcome. You don't have to leave the group when your children enter school. We know you still need support as your children grow, birth and up!
The MOMS in MOMS Club stands for MOMS Offering Moms Support. Whether you need a playgroup for your child or just a chance to meet other women who are going through the same things you are, we're here to support you.