

10 W. Pleasant Grove RoadWest Chester, PA 19382
Phone: 610-399-3377 ext. 106Email: jreichert@westminsterpc.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

A week of camp for rising Pre-K/K to rising 6th graders that includes worship arts workshops in the morning like drama, drumming, different ways to pray, and music. Then in the afternoon there are things to learn and do to serve and help others like baking, weaving, upcycling material to make dog beds, packing school backpacks and lunches...and pickleball and recreation! 

Pre-K/K ages are morning only, but elementary ages can choose to do morning only or full day (8am-4pm). Pre-K/K Camp SPARK and Elementary Morning-Only is $150/week with a family maximum of $250/week. 

Full Day Camp SPARK is $250/week with a family maximum of $500/week. Scholarships are available as needed.